Tag Archives: allopathic system of medicine



The website named Adityathedarwinian which was previously hosted as a free blog at WordPress is now Adidarwinian – Health, Biology, Science (https://adidarwinian.com / https://electro-homeopathy.com)

This move has been made by the author – Dr Aditya Sardana aka Adidarwinian – after the great success of the free blog. The motive behind the move is to attain more power of expression and full customization. This new website, rather a scientific platform, is free from the constraints of scarcity of space, and hence, can be readily enriched with articles containing exhaustive content, in-depth research papers, informative write-ups, and rich media like videos and pictures. This new scientific platform is supposed by the author to better serve his motive and the passion to the knowledge-seeking readers around the world.

All the new content will be posted here (Adidarwinian – Health, Biology, Science / Electro-homeopathy.com) and here only!! Your author remains the same – Dr Aditya Sardana aka Adidarwinian

Aditya Sardana aka Adidarwinian as the Author of this Scientific Platform:

  • This entire website ( or scientific platform as it author desires it to be known as) has been authored by Dr Aditya Sardana (Adidarwinian).
  • Dr Aditya Sardana is an electro-homeopathic and alternative medicine practitioner, naturalist, fanatic biologist, and holds degrees in Electro-Homeopathy, Alternative Medicine, Pharmacy and Bioinformatics (click here to know – what is Bioinformatics?).
  • Dr Aditya Sardana has authored many research articles on health, biology, medicine, pharmacy, pets, animals, applications and software, Information Technology or IT, and cloud computing (click here to know – what is Cloud Computing?).
  • He has worked as the SME or Subject Matter Expert in the field of Biology.
  • He has also authored technical and white papers on IT, software, and cloud computing.
  • He submitted thesis on “The Bioinformatics of the Alzheimer’s disease”.
  • He has written detailed write-ups/monographs on drugs.
  • He has written detailed monographs on the Medicinal Plants.
  • He has worked as Medical Editor with various health portals.
  • He is an ardent reader of the literature on all fields that come within the scope of both the Allopathic system of medicine and the Complementary or Alternative Systems of Medicine.