Updated – November, 2014
Father of Human Pharmacology
Truth of Homeopathy Revealed
“Homeopathic remedies are well beyond the thinking realm of the modern medical science. The efficacy of the Homeopathic remedies in human diseases is confirmed by the successful clinical results that cannot be attained by the means of placebo. The power of Homeopathic medicines is assessed by the experiments on the healthy human beings (called “Provings of Remedies” in Homeopathic jargon).
Moreover, as the Homeopathic remedies successfully treat the diseases of infants and diseases of the animals, it becomes clear that the probability of any sort of placebo effect does not exist. The placebo effect cannot be cited, by any rational and unbiased mind, as the reason behind the successful treatment of numerous types of diseases, both of simple and complex pathologies, by homeopathic remedies in billions of people around the world since the inception of Homeopathy more than 200 years ago.
The modern science of chemical analysis fails to detect any molecules of active substance because what is left in a homeopathic preparation is only the essence of the actual chemical (drug or medicine), that is to say, only the imprints of medicine in the form of the energy of the medicine.” – Dr Aditya Sardana (aka adidarwinian)

Hahnemann – Father of Human Pharmacology!!!
Dr. Aditya Sardana (aka Adidarwinian), the author of this post, is the first one in the history of medicine to name Samuel Hahnemann as the “Father of Human Pharmacology“. Hahnemann can be truly be regarded as the “Father of Human Pharmacology”, as he did not experiment with rats, guinea pigs and other laboratory animals, but directly with the most advanced form of life in the animal kingdom, that is, Homo sapiens sapiens. This method of experimentation of medical substances directly on the human beings is called the Proving method. Samuel Hahnemann was the fist one, known in the history of medicine, to conduct such direct experiments in a fully systematic way. Therefore, author feels that this honor of “Father of Human Pharmacology” is fully justified.
Samuel Hahnemann is regarded as the “Founder of Homeopathy“ and the “Father of Homeopathy”. Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars or Similia Similibus Curentur (click here to know what is Homeopathy and the Law of Simlars?). Hahnemann was a known physician and pharmacist of his time. He called his medicines – “Remedies” – and prescribed then in the forms which came to be known as Potencies and Triturations.
Hahnemann’s method of converting therapeutically inert substances into therapeutically active remedies was a “Landmark in Medicine” in itself.