Dr. Aditya Sardana

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    • #3183

      Dry Ginger or Dried Ginger is obtained from the dried rhizomes of Zingiber officinale (Zingiberaceae). In the Hindi language, Dry Ginger is commonly called “Sonth”, and in Sanskrit, it is commonly called “Sunthi” or “Nagara”. Ayurvedic physicians make use of Dry Ginger or Dried Ginger in certain digestive diseases like belching (the act of expelling gas suddenly from the stomach through the mouth), indigestion, flatulence (presence of an excessive amount of gas in the digestive tract), vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, etc; respiratory diseases like sore throat, bronchitis, hoarseness of voice, etc; painful and swollen joints (arthritis); and heart disease. It is used externally, as a paste, for headaches and pain.

    • #3165

      Electro-Homeopathy or Electropathy is an alternative and complementary system of medicine founded by Count Cesar Mattei. This system of therapeutics is based on Samuel Hahnemann’s Homeopathic system of medicine and deploys combination of Vegetable Electricities (therapeutical powers of medicinal plants) as remedies. For more information on Electro Homeopathy and differences between Electro-Homeopathy and Homeopathy, see my research article: Essence of Electro-Homeopathy.

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      Quotes of Dr Aditya Sardana on Homeopathy

    • #3074

      Ayurveda is a term in the Sanskrit language, which is composed from “Ayush” (meaning “life”) and “Veda” (meaning “knowledge” or “science”). Thus, the term “Ayurveda” means – the science of life or the science of living. Ayurveda can be defined as the science of life concerned with both the practices of living a healthy life and the treatment of diseases.

      Ayurveda is a complete system of healing as it follows the holistic approach towards attainment and maintenance of the state of health. Ayurveda treats an individual as a whole, that is, at all planes, viz. – physical, mental, and spiritual.

      For thousands of years, Ayurveda has been practiced in India as the main system of medicine, and still today, it is one of the prime complementary and alternative systems of medicine practiced in India.

    • #3047

      The term “in situ” is a Latin term, which means “in its original place”. Situ is derived from the Latin “situs”, which means “a place, position, situation, site, location, or station”. The term “in situ” emphasizes that the thing in question is situated in its natural or original or proper place or position. Although this term is frequently used in biology and medical science, its usage is not limited to these fields. For an example, a benign or non-malignant tumor confined or localized to its original location of development in the body is described as an in situ tumor. Other example of usage of in situ that can be cited here is: discovery of an ancient object such as a piece of pottery at an excavation site. Here, the object is said to be found in situ. In engineering, a part of a machine is tested in situ, that is, at its original place of operation or functioning, which is in the machine itself.

    • #3014

      Croup is a respiratory illness or disease of the infants and children that involves Laryngotracheobronchitis, which means inflammation of the larynx (voice box), the trachea (windpipe), and the bronchi (airways to the lungs).

      Croup usually develops as the result of a viral infection (usually caused by Parainfluenza viruses). The infection causes inflammation and narrowing of the respiratory tract. The characteristic symptoms of Croup include a barking cough, stridor (a harsh sound) during inspiration (breathing-in of air) that frightens the parents, difficult breathing, and hoarse voice. The narrowing of the respiratory tract leads to the symptoms of Croup including stridor, which is a symptom of labored breathing. Labored breathing implies difficulty in breathing (Dyspnea or Dyspnoea) as shown by the signs of putting increased effort during breathing such as use of accessory respiratory muscles, stridor, nasal flaring (widening of nostrils while breathing), or grunting (a deep guttural sound).

      Treatment of Croup depends on the severity of symptoms. Usually, Croup can be managed by consulting a physician. In case of severe Croup, it is necessary to admit to a hospital urgently.

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    • #3001

      A hermaphrodite animal is an organism which has both female and male reproductive organs in a single individual. A hermaphrodite plant is a plant which has both stamens or male reproductive organs and carpels or female reproductive organs in the same flower. Hermaphroditism or Hermaphrodism (the condition of being a hermaphrodite) is common in plants and lower animals. Examples of animals showing Hermaphroditism or Hermaphrodism include sponges (Porifera) and earthworms.

    • #2995

      The term “Phycology” has been formed from Phykos (which is the Greek word for alga) and Logy (study, knowledge). Phycology is defined as the branch of Botany (Click here to know the definition of Botany) dealing with the orderly and systematized study of algae. It was only after the invention of the microscope that the real progress was made in the scientific study of algae.

    • #2985

      Magnet therapy is an alternative system of medicine (complementary system of medicine) that involves the use of the static magnetic fields produced by the magnets of varying shapes, sizes, and strengths on the body of the patient in order to treat various diseases including pain, tumors, cancer, renal stones (kidney stones), Gallstones (stones in gall bladder), paralysis, sciatica (pain radiating along the sciatic nerve), lumbago (pain in lumbar region or lower back), etc. Magnet therapy is also called magnetotherapy or magnotherapy or magnetic therapy or magnetic field therapy. Modern Magnetotherapy or Electromagnetic therapy makes use of the electromagnetic energy such as pulsed electromagnetic fields (or PEMFs) to treat pain and other diseases. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy or PEMF therapy is also called EMF therapy or PMF therapy or pulsed magnetic therapy.

    • #2948

      Perl is a popular computer programming language, which was developed by Larry Wall in 1987. Perl stands for Practical Extraction and Report Language. Perl originated as a text-processing language but it has gradually attained the status of a full-fledged programming language. Perl is widely used in the fields of system programming, web programming, and bioinformatics (click here to see, what is bioinformatics?), to name some of the multitude of fields in which it is applied. Bioinformaticists or bioinformaticians love Perl as it offers great benefits for simplifying everyday bioinformatics’ tasks and facilitates research in bioinformatics. To know about advantages of Perl for biologists, see my post: Perl As Programming Language of Choice for Biologists!! Amongst the programmers, Perl is regarded as a language which has been especially designed to make everyday programming jobs easy.

    • #2931

      All these three terms, viz., in vivo, in vitro, and in silico are used in the field of biological sciences. The term in vivo is composed of in (in) + vivo (life, living, living body), thus in vivo means “in a living organism”. The term, in vivo is applied to those biological processes or experiments that occur or are conducted inside a living organism. In vitro is applied to those biological techniques or processes that occur outside the body of a living organism, for example, in the laboratory. In silico is applied for those biological experiments or studies that are carried out on the computers. To know more about in vitro, see what is in vitro? To know more about in silico, see what is in silico?

    • #2858

      The term in vitro is a Latin term that means “in glass” in the English language. In vitro refers to the process of carrying out biological procedures or studies or reactions outside the body of a living organism, in an artificial and controlled environment, such as in a laboratory apparatus or vessel made of glass or any other material. A simple example of an in vitro procedure or in vitro technique is in vitro fertilization, which involves carrying out the fertilization of egg by sperm in a laboratory, for example, in a test tube (test tube baby). Another example of in vitro studies includes growing and maintaining living cells in laboratory (cell culture). To fully appreciate the meaning of in vitro, this term may be compared with in vivo (click here, to know what is in vivo?) and in silico (click here, to know what is in silico?).

    • #2851

      In silico refers to the process of carrying out of biological studies or experiments on the computers. As the computer chips are comprised of silicon, the use of this term is justified. The term in silico is used in biology or biological sciences (such as Bioinformatics or Computational Biology). In silico studies or in silico experiments can be compared with in vivo (click here, to know what is in vivo?) and in vitro studies (click here, to know what is in vitro?) for better understanding of its application.

    • #2843

      Pteridophytes are the plants which can be best described as the vascular cryptogams. Vascular cryptogams are those cryptogams (seedless plants) that have a well developed conducting system (vascular system). The term Pteridophyte is formed from “Pteron” (feather) + “Phyte” (plant), which means plants having feather like fronds (leaves). Pteridophytes reproduce by the means of spores. Ferns are the best examples of Pteridophytes.

    • #2776

      The word “Iridology” is formed from Irido (iris) + logy (knowledge, study). Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye in order to analyze a person’s health status. Iridology diagnostic technique is one of the diagnostic techniques used by the practitioners of the alternative systems or complementary systems of medicine. It is also called Iris diagnosis, Iridiagnosis or Iridodiagnosis. Iridologists (practitioners of the alternative systems of medicine who make use of iridology as a diagnostic tool) use iridology charts (or iris charts) and iridology cameras (iriscopes) to assess the health of the patients. The iridology chart or iris chart is a map of the iris (iris diagnostic map) where different places or zones represent corresponding body organs or systems.

    • #2656

      The term “Parapsychology” has been formed from Para (beside) and Psychology (study of the mind). Parapsychology is defined as the branch of Psychology that deals with the paranormal or parapsychical phenomena of Extrasensory Perception (click here to see – what is ESP?) and Psychokinesis (click here to see – what is Psychokinesis?). In the layman’s language, Parapsychology can be defined as the subject dealing with the psychic experiences and events. Other terms used for Parapsychology include Parapsychologie (a German word), Psychical Research (In the Britain, the term “Psychical Research” is preferred over the term “Parapsychology”), Study of Psi Phenomena (Ψ Phenomena), and Métapsychique (a French word). Psi Phenomena includes both of the phenomena of Extrasensory Perception (ESP) and Psychokinesis (PK).

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