Category Archives: Homeopathy

Publicly-Funded Homeopathy Comes to An End in England

An erroneous decision has been taken to stop the publicly-funded (NHS-funded) homeopathic treatment in Bristol, England. Before the decision was taken, the NHS-funded homeopathic treatment was only available in one city in England – Bristol. With the end of the NHS-funded homeopathy in Bristol, comes the end of the publicly-funded homeopathy in England.


The decision was taken during a meeting of the governing board of the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on 7th August 2018. Current patients would be able to finish their ongoing homeopathic treatment, but the new patients will only be able to access the treatment through the National Health Service (NHS) in exceptional circumstances. The CCG’s individual funding request panel will use a clinician to decide why a particular patient is exceptional clinically and requires the homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy has a long history in Bristol as it has been available there since 1852.
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