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The term “nosode” is derived from the Greek word “nosos”, which means – disease, sickness, or malady. A nosode is a morbid product derived from the discharges, excretions, secretions, etc of the diseased tissues, or a nosode may be obtained from a culture of disease-causing bacteria or viruses, or a nosode may be derived from the normal bacterial flora of the intestinal tract that gets amplified in diseases.

A nosode is used in the homeopathic system of medicine as a remedy to treat diseases including chronic miasms (see – What are Miasms in Homeopathy?). The term “nosode” was coined by Constantine Hering, who is known as the “Father of American Homeopathy”. Some of the main examples of nosodes are Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum, Bacillinum, Tuberculinum, and Bowel Nosodes.

– Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the “Father of Human Pharmacology”, used sero-purulent matter of a scabies vesicle as Psorinum. Psorinum is also known as the nosode of Psora, or Psoricum.

– Medorrhinum is also known as the nosode of Gonorrhœa, or Glinicum, Gonorrheal virus.

– Syphilinum is also known as the nosode of Syphilis, or Syphilitic Virus, or Luesinum, or Lueticum.

and Tuberculinum – They are the nosodes of Tuberculosis (T.B.). Tuberculin of Koch was originally prepared from the colonies of tuberculosis-causing bacilli. Dr. James Compton Burnett named and first described Bacillinum, which was prepared from tuberculous sputum.

Bowel Nosodes
– Bowel Nosodes are prepared from the non-lactose fermenting bacilli of the intestinal tract.

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